NFO TV Episodes Containing URL
I've got the latest version of KODI. I want to merge two of my TV Shows into one (Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis), but to do this properly I need to remake the latter seasons using .nfo files. Which I'm more than happy to do. However, I don't want to have to input every single piece of data for every episode, I'd like to limit it as much as I can by having the .nfo containing an url to the episode on TVDB. I tried the following for the Stargate SG-1 S01E01:

<title>Children of the Gods</title>

I know the file says E01 but I want it as episode 2 because the original film is going to be episode 1. But it doesn't load it as that, it loads it as episode 1 still, just without any information beyond it's name. Could someone post me an example layout for what I'm after, or point me in the right direction to a tutorial? I looked at the wiki, but the bit about urls at the bottom is very poorly explained.

To put it simply, I want the nfo to guide Kodi to use a tvdb scraper to get the episode details, but to use the name and season/episode number listed by the nfo.
Question for you, why not let the 2 shows scrape as normal with the correct TVDB scaper info, then build a smart_playlist (wiki) (like the one below) to combine the movies and episodes into one viewable playlist..?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<smartplaylist type="episodes">
    <rule field="tvshow" operator="contains">
    <order direction="descending">year</order>
4x R-Pi4b LibreELEC v10 | Aeon Nox: SiLVO | Flirc cases
Storage Synology DS411 | 4 x WD RED 6TB
Software MariaDB 10.4.19 | Filebot | Ember Media Manager
wiki (wiki) | First time user (wiki) | Debug_Log (wiki) | mysql (wiki) | artwork (wiki)
I want to merge the two into one tv show because I've got an awful lot of tv shows to scroll through, so merging them (and a few others, for example Buffy and Angel, The Last Airbender and Legend of Korra, all the Star Treks) will cut down the amount I have to scroll through on my TV Shows section of Kodi. If I understand the idea of smart playlists correctly, it wouldn't do that.
it seems like an awful lot of manual work just to reduce your scrolling!!

By default, you can browse your TV shows in the library by genre or by studio to reduce the list sizes.

You could also check out Video_nodes (wiki) or Video_library_tags (wiki) to create 'groups' that you could browse by.

Good luck! Smile
4x R-Pi4b LibreELEC v10 | Aeon Nox: SiLVO | Flirc cases
Storage Synology DS411 | 4 x WD RED 6TB
Software MariaDB 10.4.19 | Filebot | Ember Media Manager
wiki (wiki) | First time user (wiki) | Debug_Log (wiki) | mysql (wiki) | artwork (wiki)
Thanks for the suggestions Smile

I don't mind doing a lot of manual work for it if it works, but at the moment it doesn't. I find doing such things a little bit pleasant when I know at the end I'll have some really cool shows listed. Big Grin
Just wondering if anyone else knows how to get tv show episodes to use data from a web address in an nfo.
I suppose this is the time to put on your skinning hat. Alternatively try LazyTV and be excited at the presented views in poster mode, and the smart playlists it makes.
smart playlists are a god send they fix a lot of questions like this and once you get into how they work its pretty sweet what can b done

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NFO TV Episodes Containing URL0