Bug Login screen breaks context menu

I've found a strange problem while using Kodi 17 on Linux (but I could replicate this problem on Windows installation using Kodi 17 nightlies as well).
I wanted to mark one of my movies as watched using a context menu, but I couldn't find this option in my menu (it showed "Queue item", "Add to favorites" and "Manage..." only). It was very strange so I spent a very long time searching where the problem was. And I've finally found it.
I cannot see my context menu when I select "Show login screen on startup" in Settings->Profile settings. I see absolutely no connection and reason why this option should disable options from context menu but well...it does.

"Show login screen on startup" enabled: https://postimg.org/image/9v08tbqnj
"Show login screen on startup" disabled: https://postimg.org/image/l8ms4j167

EDIT: I know you can disable library editing for certain profiles in Profile settings, but all profiles have editing enabled and separate libraries and <useloginscreen> is the only value which gets changed in my profiles.xml, so it doesn't disable or enable anything else.

...and no, I don't have Avengers: Grimm in my library, I just created a dummy Avengers folder so I could replicate this error ASAP, and Kodi identified it as Avengers: Grimm. :-P

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