XBMC link fail on Ubuntu 7.10
Hi to all XBMC for Linux developers,
I'm new to this forum but I follow this greath project from months Big Grin

I have a problem linking XboxMediaCenter executable under my Linux Ubuntu 7.10. I followed the instructions reported on the wiki (here) but from 3/4 weeks I have this problem:

xbmc_devel@devel:~/tmp/XBOX/XBMC$ ./build.sh
Local source revision : 10719
Repository revision : 10719      
Your source is up to date.
Configuring build.
checking for gawk... gawk


make XboxMediaCenter
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/xbmc_devel/tmp/XBOX/XBMC'
g++ -g -D_DEBUG -Wall -o XboxMediaCenter xbmc/*.o xbmc/settings/*.o xbmc/cdrip/*.o guilib/*.o guilib/tinyXML/*.o guilib/common/*.o xbmc/FileSystem/*.o xbmc/FileSystem/VideoDatabaseDirectory/*.o xbmc/FileSystem/MusicDatabaseDirectory/*.o xbmc/visualizations/*.o xbmc/screensavers/*.o xbmc/cores/*.o xbmc/cores/paplayer/*.o xbmc/linux/*.o xbmc/lib/sqLite/*.o xbmc/lib/libscrobbler/*.o xbmc/lib/libPython/*.o xbmc/lib/libPython/xbmcmodule/*.o xbmc/xbox/*.o xbmc/cores/DllLoader/*.o xbmc/cores/DllLoader/exports/*.o xbmc/cores/DllLoader/exports/util/*.o xbmc/utils/*.o xbmc/lib/UnrarXLib/*.o xbmc/lib/libGoAhead/*.o xbmc/cores/dvdplayer/*.o xbmc/cores/dvdplayer/DVDSubtitles/*.o xbmc/cores/dvdplayer/DVDInputStreams/*.o xbmc/cores/dvdplayer/DVDCodecs/*.o xbmc/cores/dvdplayer/DVDCodecs/Audio/*.o xbmc/cores/dvdplayer/DVDCodecs/Video/*.o xbmc/cores/dvdplayer/DVDCodecs/Overlay/*.o xbmc/cores/dvdplayer/DVDDemuxers/*.o xbmc/cores/dvdplayer/DVDCodecs/Overlay/libspucc/*.o xbmc/cores/VideoRenderers/*.o xbmc/cores/VideoRenderers/VideoShaders/*.o xbmc/lib/libGoAhead/libGoAheadD-i486-linux.a xbmc/lib/libXBMS/libxbms-i486-linux.a xbmc/lib/libUPnP/libupnp-i486-linux.a xbmc/lib/libshout/libshout-i486-linux.a xbmc/lib/libRTV/librtv-i486-linux.a xbmc/lib/libXDAAP/libxdaap-i486-linux.a -lrt -lasound -lsqlite3 -lsmbclient -llzo -lfribidi -lfreetype -ldl -lcdio -lSDL_mixer -lSDL_image -lSDL -lXinerama -lGLU -lGLEW -lGL  -rdynamic
xbmc/utils/Network.o: In function `CNetwork::NetworkMessage(CNetwork::EMESSAGE, unsigned long)':
/home/xbmc_devel/tmp/XBOX/XBMC/xbmc/utils/Network.cpp:76: multiple definition of `CNetwork::NetworkMessage(CNetwork::EMESSAGE, unsigned long)'
xbmc/xbox/Network.o:/home/xbmc_devel/tmp/XBOX/XBMC/xbmc/xbox/Network.cpp:527: first defined here
xbmc/utils/Network.o: In function `CNetwork':
/home/xbmc_devel/tmp/XBOX/XBMC/xbmc/utils/Network.cpp:6: multiple definition of `CNetwork::CNetwork()'
xbmc/xbox/Network.o:/home/xbmc_devel/tmp/XBOX/XBMC/xbmc/xbox/Network.cpp:436: first defined here
xbmc/utils/Network.o: In function `CNetwork':
/home/xbmc_devel/tmp/XBOX/XBMC/xbmc/utils/Network.cpp:6: multiple definition of `CNetwork::CNetwork()'
xbmc/xbox/Network.o:/home/xbmc_devel/tmp/XBOX/XBMC/xbmc/xbox/Network.cpp:436: first defined here
xbmc/utils/Network.o: In function `~CNetwork':
/home/xbmc_devel/tmp/XBOX/XBMC/xbmc/utils/Network.cpp:11: multiple definition of `CNetwork::~CNetwork()'
xbmc/xbox/Network.o:/home/xbmc_devel/tmp/XBOX/XBMC/xbmc/xbox/Network.cpp:445: first defined here
xbmc/utils/Network.o: In function `~CNetwork':
/home/xbmc_devel/tmp/XBOX/XBMC/xbmc/utils/Network.cpp:11: multiple definition of `CNetwork::~CNetwork()'
xbmc/xbox/Network.o:/home/xbmc_devel/tmp/XBOX/XBMC/xbmc/xbox/Network.cpp:445: first defined here
guilib/TextureBundle.o: In function `CTextureBundle::OpenBundle()':
/home/xbmc_devel/tmp/XBOX/XBMC/guilib/TextureBundle.cpp:275: undefined reference to `__lzo_init_v2'
xbmc/xbox/Network.o: In function `CNetwork::NetworkUp()':
Network.cpp:(.text+0x92e): undefined reference to `g_applicationMessenger'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[1]: *** [XboxMediaCenter] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/xbmc_devel/tmp/XBOX/XBMC'
make: *** [all] Error 2
make: Leaving directory `/home/xbmc_devel/tmp/XBOX/XBMC'
make[1]: *** [XboxMediaCenter] Error 1
make: *** [all] Error 2

Errors have occurred!

Can anyone help me please?
For lzo problem: I have Installed
  • liblzo1 (1.08-3)
  • liblzo-dev (1.08-3)
  • liblzo2-2 (2.02-3)
  • liblzo2-dev (2.02-3)

edit the Makefile and add -llzo2 this will help you take care of the undefined reference to __lzo_init_v2

I dont know about the other errors...
Thumbs Up 
lightx Wrote:edit the Makefile and add -llzo2 this will help you take care of the undefined reference to __lzo_init_v2

I dont know about the other errors...

Yes this solve the first half of the problem Big Grin
Thank you!

To solve the second half of the problem I deleted my local SVN repository and re-downloading the SVN from scratch the `CNetwork' problem disappeared!

I get the same errors, I tried to add the change to Makefile and download the SVN through the build.sh...same problems, I was going to wait out the problem, but if anyone has ideas, lemme know
Remove stale object files in your xbmc source tree with:
find . -name *.o -exec rm "{}" \;
Sometimes, when makefiles are changed in the source tree, a make clean will miss some object files, so they have to be nuked manually. Remember to run the command in the source tree only.
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troutbum Wrote:I get the same errors, I tried to add the change to Makefile and download the SVN through the build.sh...same problems, I was going to wait out the problem, but if anyone has ideas, lemme know

you will need to use the build.sh with NOCONFIG option because whenever you use that option it will re-create a Makefile. What i would do is use the

./build.sh NOCOMPILE
modify the Makefile to add -llzo2

hope this helps...
thanks that worked.

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XBMC link fail on Ubuntu 7.100