Bug Not identified language and subtitles

I noticed that I have some movies in languages and subtitles that TMM 2.9 does not identify. The Kodi and the MediaInfo identify them, but not the TMM. Appears there are a subtitle or language, but the name is "<blank>".

I exported all the information to a CSV file and I notice theese missing fields

Langs and Subtitles not identified are:

Tamil: Tam
Telugu: Tel
Basque: Baq

Could you chek it please?

Thanks in advance
You are right, Java seems not to support all worldwide known languages and variants out-of-the-box :|
Have to check, how much work it would be to exchange the internationalization library...
Thanks for info.
tinyMediaManager - THE media manager of your choice :)
Wanna help translate TMM ?
Ok. Meanwhile I will put manually the lang and subt and try to do not click on "update media information".Wink


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Not identified language and subtitles0