Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Heads-up: How to deal with content types / media types
Gotcha ... I need to just leave my 2 cents out sometime soon
Shield TV | Windows 10 | Mariadb | Mii Box
Evolve Ecosystem Repo | TV Melodies | Madnox Holiday Mod
Just stumbled across this old thread searching for a comprehensive list of content types that a skin must cover... I'm not inclined to use visibility conditions for my viewtypes that show a generic list for everything besides the ones I've covered, but I'd like to offer specific layouts for each and every conent type. This makes it paramount to be aware of all content types Kodi allows or uses.

If I've missed a complete list at any other location, please do point me to that. Blush The list in the first post is much more complete, even today, than anything I've found anywhere else.

One content type that seems to be missing even from this list though: sources  Can anyone confirm this?

And are there any other content types that have been added to this day?
OSMC Skinner      |    The OSMC Skin for Kodi v21 Omega (native 16:9, 21:9 and 4:3 skin, special cinemascope/CIH version available)      |     GitHub:

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