v17 IPTV add-on doesn't recognize mp4/mkv streams
Dear community,
I have a web list configured in IPTV Simple Client. It works perfect on m3u/m3u8 links, but doesn't recognize the mkv/mp4 stream.

This, for example, works perfect and the stream is correctly shown on channels list:

These don't work (not shown in channel list):

Why? Is there a way to setup the client for those kind of streams?

Thank you
No one? Sad
Try a strm file for those.
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(2016-12-17, 08:36)nickr Wrote: Try a strm file for those.

Thank you for reply, in the meantime I found where is the issue. In the m3u list there are some channels with abnormal lenght, something like below (I cut the line just because it reach 13262 chars).... This is totally meaningless and I'll contact the provider asking for clarification.

KODI stops read m3u list from that line and I cannot delete it because I used an http link for my playlist (directly from server provider).
Anyway, VLC reads without ptoblem those kind of link... Is there something I can do with kodi? Somethink like increase buffer?? Confused

#EXTINF:-1 tvg-ID="" tvg-name="xxxxxxxxxxxxx" tvg-logo="
http://xxxxx is not valid anyway.
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(2016-12-17, 23:15)nickr Wrote: http://xxxxx is not valid anyway.

YEP! I just remove the link Nod
Does that mean it is an illegal source?
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(2016-12-17, 23:32)nickr Wrote: Does that mean it is an illegal source?
Nope, it's a paid legal source, and I cannot share it since it's limited only to one user! Smile
ok well how about you ask the person you paid.
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(2016-12-17, 23:42)nickr Wrote: ok well how about you ask the person you paid.

They are a big telecomunication company not a single person Nod and I already ask them without success.
Anyway, I solved with a workaround. I wrote a bash script that runs in crontab from my NAS. It download the stream, clean the abnormal links and store the result in a specific directory, then I configured Kodi to point to this specific file. Wink
Sounds good, well done.
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IPTV add-on doesn't recognize mp4/mkv streams0