Solved Kodi 16 (and 17), Xubuntu Xenial, LIRC
I hope that someone can help me with this. I am having issues with LIRC not starting on my KodiBox.

The current situation is as follows:

If I boot the box in to the Kodi session, LIRC and my RC6 mce remote do not work.
Exiting from Kodi to the desktop results in a working remote.
Then the remote still works if I start Kodi, or log off/log on into the Kodi session.

Booting into the Xubuntu session then starting Kodi or logging off/logging on to the Kodi session results in a working remote.

For some reason, LIRC is not starting when booting straight in to the Kodi session.
This situation seemed to start fairly recently, perhaps with a kernel update? Does anyone have any ideas?

LIRC: 0.9.0-0ubuntu6
Xubuntu: 16.04.1 (kernel: 4.4.0-57)
Kodi 16.1 and 17.0beta7
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Did you setup your Kodi user as recommended in ?

Also, you may want to have a look at
Thanks for your input.

In regards to the user: I have always set up me as a user since the days of XBMC Dharma, and I have never had an issue with LIRC.

I had a look at using ir-keytables instead of LIRC. The problem I had is that most buttons didn't work with Kodi. I prefer to stick with LIRC as all buttons work out-of-the-box.

Having thought a bit more about the issue, it would seem as though LIRC is starting too late in the boot process, and as such Kodi isn't able to connect to it on first boot.
I am looking into this now.
Anti-Fascist◾Artist◾Atheist◾Barefoot◾Cis-male◾Cyclist◾Gay◾Geeky◾Introverted◾Likes weird stuff◾Living with depression & anxiety◾Naturist◾Pierced◾Socialist◾He/him
As I suspected, LIRC is starting after Kodi, resulting in the remote being unresponsive.

I fixed this by adding the line:
sleep 10 && sudo service lightdm restart
to my /etc/rc.local file. rc.local is called at the end of the boot process.

I did also find a method for gnome users, involving adding X-GNOME-Autostart-Delay=10 to the kodi.desktop file in /usr/share/xsessions. As I am using Xubuntu this does not work.

I'll mark this as Solved.

The above method caused crash logs to be written on every boot.

I reversed the changes above, and added "sleep 5" to the start of the /usr/bin/kodi-standalone script. Hey Presto: no crash logs and my remote works.
Anti-Fascist◾Artist◾Atheist◾Barefoot◾Cis-male◾Cyclist◾Gay◾Geeky◾Introverted◾Likes weird stuff◾Living with depression & anxiety◾Naturist◾Pierced◾Socialist◾He/him

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Kodi 16 (and 17), Xubuntu Xenial, LIRC0