Alpha pvr.python - A PVR client supporting Python scripting
(2016-12-24, 10:03)nickr Wrote: Nice to see you doing this.

Question: do you have any proof of concept running a real PVR? I know you are in infancy, but I have my doubts about python being quick enough.

No idea! In terms of proper PVR hardware, my understanding is that the PVR addon provides a software interface for controlling the PVR hardware, while the PVR hardware is ideally supposed to do most of the heavy lifting. Hence I would think that the Python layer wouldn't add too much of a performance hit. On the other hand, though, interfacing with hardware from Python may be a little tricky, so I would say that writing a native C addon is probably a much better bet for ordinary PVR addons.

In writing pvr.python, though, my interest was more in the direction of supplanting pvr.iptvsimple and friends, to access things like live TV streaming services. For such a use case, I think the penalty from going through Python would be fairly minimal, given that CPU usage is not usually a bottleneck in accessing online services.

That said, though, the only way to find out is to try! Hopefully I'll be able to put a usable interface to a real web service up in the next little while.

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RE: pvr.python - A PVR client supporting Python scripting - by RunasSudo - 2016-12-24, 10:13
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