CEC keymap on RPi
Hi there,

I am new to this forum and also to Kodi so excuse me in advance for my mistakes!

I just installed LibreELEC/Kodi on my RPi 3 and the truth is that it worked fine without almost any configuration. Even the remote of my Samsumg TV (UE43J5500) worked straight away via HDMI-CEC. However, the key association is "weird" or let's say that "it can be improved".
For instance, the "info" key on the remote is not passed to the RPi and is always handled by the TV. I installed the "Keymap editor" add-on to try to solve this but it didn't worked either. The add-on waits 5-secs for the keypress but the key is never passed to Kodi (it's the TV who "answers" to that keypress every time). Same happens to other keys like "guide" or "menu"...

So my question is this: Can these be done or there are certain keys that are "reserved" by the TV and can't be assigned?

Any help will be highly appretiated! Thanks!
These keys are obviously not intended to communicate through cec.
I don't think there's something you can do about it, don't know of any hacks that could bypass this.
No, nothing you can do about it short of getting new firmware for the TV which almost certainly won't exist to expand on what it sends.

It's rather hard for Kodi to deal with something that it never actually receives as the TV never sends it. If you want to confirm what Kodi actually receives, enable debugging and look at your debug log (wiki). CEC keypresses that are received are logged, so will appear. There are add-ons in the official repo which will allow you to live-view the log so you can even see it in real time.
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What is it that you want the box to do? give you information on a film or tv program etc?

If so try using the context menu and select information. On my Samsung tv remote I use the return button to access it. Using keymap editor you can set another button if needed or cant use return. Go into keymap editor, edit, global, navigation, press up to go to bottom of list and scroll up onto Context Menu which you may find a -c next to it that is for if you use a keyboard. click on it then edit key and youll get 5 seconds to select a button on your remote. Think about your button and try it beforehand if you don't use your coloured buttons to go straight to somewhere you could use say red for instance.
When you have set the key youll find a number that's related to your remote control ID. go back until you see the Edit, Default and Save click on save so it works but if you think you might of messed it up click on default then save to refer back to factory.

Hope it helps.
Thank you all for your comments and suggestions.
I guess I'll have to live with it!
I suggest to try to assign the needed actions to the coloured buttons of the TV remote. In my experience, TVs send those pushbuttons via CEC.

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CEC keymap on RPi0