Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Mod safonov Estuary v2 mod (Krypton)

Long time ago I use XBMC/KODI and the only skin that I like Confluence (version Plood, YLLOW_DRAGON. The developers of skins from the site http_xbmc_ru). It is simple, easy to set up and not eating resources.

With KODI 17 came a new skin estuary V1 and recently V2.

V2 Estuary very few people liked it, but I liked it.
I decided a few more tweaks this skin for myself - I lacked the presence of the plugins on the main screen.

Extra settings:
Button categories for any genre
Settings -> Skin settings -> Main menu items -> Edit categories -> Movies\TV shows\Music video ->*.New node... -> go to the shortcut -> *Add path... -> Movies\Genres -> *Add component... -> Genre ID> for value Browse ->select genre ->because of an error Library Node Editor (developer knows about this Release - Library Node Editor) return to the previous level choose Manually edit -> delete record ?genreid= -> back to Skin settings -> General -> Reload skin (restart needed because the Library Node Editor itself can not. I better could not think of)

Icons borrowed from skin Skin MOD - MOD Estuary.
Located in the folder %appdata%\Kodi\addons\skin.estuaryv2.mod\extras\icons\

This is a very light modification to Estuary that provides the following
  • The add-ons button in the settings
  • Removed the background of the weather icon
  • Moved RSS
  • Added a second panel of buttons on the main menu
  • Displays the next song when playing music in full screen
  • Plug-in added Artist Slideshow while playing music - used developments pkscout 'Estuary's mod (with Artist Slideshow Support)
  • Forced update to the skin
  • To add a widget with the plugin user - used developments YLLOW_DRAGON
  • Submenu (category): leftbar icons, standard, disabled
  • Moving menu buttons - used developments pkscout'Estuary's mod (with Artist Slideshow Support) + my modification
  • Hide the main menu - used developments Guilouz
  • Change the transparency of widgets fanart - used developments Guilouz

my repository repository.safonov_ivan

Version 1.1.8
[fix] - bug fix, rename skin, reorganization of settings
Version 1.1.4
[fix] - Error moving between widgets
Version 1.1.3
[+] Horizontal menu of authorization

[+] Widget for the playlist
[+] Horizontal menu of authorization

PS: I know English bad, possible errors in the post and in the translation of skin
Nice clean skin,
might use it but still some things though

can i use smartplaylists and then point widgets to it?

Willing to add the movie genres as widget?

Now through the settings can not. Such a setting in the plans

Now you can only click on the genres in the submenu to create:

Extra settings:
Button categories for any genre
Settings -> Skin settings -> Main menu items -> Edit categories -> Movies\TV shows\Music video ->*.New node... -> go to the shortcut -> *Add path... -> Movies\Genres -> *Add component... -> Genre ID> for value Browse ->select genre ->because of an error Library Node Editor (developer knows about this Release - Library Node Editor) return to the previous level choose Manually edit -> delete record ?genreid= -> back to Skin settings -> General -> Reload skin (restart needed because the Library Node Editor itself can not. I better could not think of)
Mmm cant get it to work that extra categorie.

It would rock if i were able to create a playlist for all my 3d movies, kids movies, and have widgets for that like the other now...

Also is support planned for widgets showing movies in cinema, and when you. Press on them you see trailers?

Any plans to redo thelogin screen like below? If you could rdo this, horizontal , it would look much nicer, now its a vertical thing, i dont like


You have big plans for this skin? Skin shortcuts addon fully supported? Flexible widgets to all stuff would rock. Dont know which addon is needed for widgets to show covers of movies in cinema and when you click on it, you get the movietrailer..
(2017-03-19, 21:01)Skank Wrote: Mmm cant get it to work that extra categorie.
What doesn't work? You can record video on which you will show a mistake (I from Russia and bad I know English, I use Google Translator)
Quote:It would rock if i were able to create a playlist for all my 3d movies, kids movies, and have widgets for that like the other now...
The playlist on a widget in plans
Quote:Also is support planned for widgets showing movies in cinema, and when you. Press on them you see trailers?
I will hardly be able to make it (I will try, but I don't promise)
Quote:Any plans to redo the login screen like below? If you could rdo this, horizontal , it would look much nicer, now its a vertical thing, i dont like

You the first with such sentence, I will try to make the menu of authorization horizontal
Quote:You have big plans for this skin? Skin shortcuts addon fully supported? Flexible widgets to all stuff would rock. Dont know which addon is needed for widgets to show covers of movies in cinema and when you click on it, you get the movietrailer..
I will use addition of Skin shortcuts in the second skin. A skin so far in study, I will perhaps manage to make it to KODI 17.1
Nice plans Smile
Looking forward to

For : Also is support planned for widgets showing movies in cinema, and when you. Press on them you see trailers?
I will hardly be able to make it (I will try, but I don't promise)

You dont need to make that, its already provided by an addon, not sure which, it might be the widget addon.

You say you'll use skin shortcut in second skin. Are you already making a second one? Or do you mean you will update it.

I hope you will update it.

EDIT: the thing for showing trailer "in cinema" is from the "script extended info", so you can add it if i u want please.

Version 1.1.1
[+] added back the widget In progress movies
[fix] item Video - did not work transition to widget playlists in the absence of add-ons widgets
I hope you still do otherstuff
(2017-04-02, 10:37)Skank Wrote: I hope you still do otherstuff

Hello! I move to a new house, I do not have time to practice this skin and skin.estuaryv2.mod.full (plugin Skinshorcuts)
You have another skin?

Verstuurd vanaf mijn Nexus 5 met Tapatalk
(2017-04-02, 14:54)Skank Wrote: You have another skin?

Verstuurd vanaf mijn Nexus 5 met Tapatalk

Yes, there is a second skin (estuaryv2 + plugin Skinshorcuts), but now there is a problem with animations and disappearing widgets
Is there an option to add widgets?
also what is the difference between the alpha version and the lite version?
And is 0.5.0alpha the latest version?
(2017-04-06, 10:05)x007sunny Wrote: Is there an option to add widgets?
also what is the difference between the alpha version and the lite version?
And is 0.5.0alpha the latest version?


- skin.estuaryv2.mod.lite - no. Here only the standard widgets
- alpha release of skin.estuaryv2.mod.full (plugin Skinshorcuts) - Yes. Skin is still in development. There are problems with animations and disappearing widgets
(2017-03-19, 21:01)Skank Wrote: Mmm cant get it to work that extra categorie.

It would rock if i were able to create a playlist for all my 3d movies, kids movies, and have widgets for that like the other now...

Also is support planned for widgets showing movies in cinema, and when you. Press on them you see trailers?

Any plans to redo thelogin screen like below? If you could rdo this, horizontal , it would look much nicer, now its a vertical thing, i dont like


You have big plans for this skin? Skin shortcuts addon fully supported? Flexible widgets to all stuff would rock. Dont know which addon is needed for widgets to show covers of movies in cinema and when you click on it, you get the movietrailer..

Version 1.1.3
[+] Horizontal menu of authorization
watch gallery
This one looks much better than the other Estuary MOD Skin, exactly for what I was looking for.

Nevertheless I still have some problems, how can I display submenues?
I have set one under general > customize main menu > for example "Movies" with submenue "3D".
But it doesn't appear anywhere Huh

What other addons do I need for this skin, I've installed:
- Skin Helper Service
- Skin Shortcuts - Add to Menu (don't know, if this one is needed or what it actually does)
- Skin Widgets (don't know, if this one is needed)

Another thing I've recognized: "Hide the main menu": if I enable or disable this option I don't see any difference.

And I'm wondering why you've made two versions of this addon, full and lite?

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safonov Estuary v2 mod (Krypton)2