Upgraded OE Gotham -> Libre Krypton, audio sync at 24fps still broken?

cd /storage/.kodi/userdata/advancedsettings.xml added to look like below did not fix the problem;

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Not sure why.

I know that Kodi is off by .175 seconds because when I go into the audio settings during playback (did not know I could do this, found out while stumbling around) if I set the audio delay to .175 the audio is matching the video perfectly.

I'd like a better fix than having to set it in the OSD audio menu but suppose that I can live with it if no other options will work.

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RE: Upgraded OE Gotham -> Libre Krypton, audio sync at 24fps still broken? - by voip-ninja - 2017-03-21, 03:09
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Upgraded OE Gotham -> Libre Krypton, audio sync at 24fps still broken?0