Alpha SMB2 support

Wow, it doesn't happen often, but it does happen.

You joined only a few hours ago and in that time you have managed to get on the bad side of two Team Kodi members and simultaneously trash our product.

You can already see the warning on your account from your previous thread.

Final Warning. Any more disrespect or other breaches to the Forum Rules (wiki) and you will receive a ban from our forum
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How to enable/disable SMBv1 in Windows 10 - Microsoft (click)

#18 - blank page

You get ticked at me because I state the obvious?  You're unbelievable.  Explain how I'm "disrespecting" you?  You can't take criticism when the facts are the facts?  I didn't "trash" anything.  I said it was useless to me at this point if it can't do what it used to do and if you who "are in charge" can't fix it.  What about that is "disrespecting" or "trashing"?

It doesn't browse with SMB - that is a fact.  That's not *my* fault.  I stated what my use for the program was, plain & simple.  If anything, YOU are the one disrespecting me from the very first post!  I came in not knowing anything, and you bashed the HELL out of me right from the start!  Making accusations and assumptions based on your own bias, instead of guiding someone into the use of your product.  Hell of a way to gain fans and popularity.  I can only POST here, I can't PM.  So you'll probably just ban me for this simple reply.
(2017-12-17, 03:35)wrxtasy Wrote: How to enable/disable SMBv1 in Windows 10 - Microsoft (click)
 SMB1 has been *removed* in the current (1709) build of Win10.  And your link does not link to the MS KB article, it links to the ZDNet article on why not to use SMB1 -
Any chance of SMBv2/v3 support being backported to Krypton? I tried Leia builds on my Nvidia ShieldTV and had significant problems with them, so would like to wait for beta releases.

Windows 10 disables SMBv1 support by default since the Fall Creator's Update, and now they're obnoxiously removing SMBv1 support even after the user deliberately turned it on in standard monthly updates. Got hit with that last night, was somewhat annoying troubleshooting it.
(2018-03-15, 18:05)rodalpho Wrote: Any chance of SMBv2/v3 support being backported to Krypton? I tried Leia builds on my Nvidia ShieldTV and had significant problems with them, so would like to wait for beta releases.

Windows 10 disables SMBv1 support by default since the Fall Creator's Update, and now they're obnoxiously removing SMBv1 support even after the user deliberately turned it on in standard monthly updates. Got hit with that last night, was somewhat annoying troubleshooting it.
No, it will not be backported.
If you need SMB 2/3 support you'll need to use v18.  If you're having issues with v18 then start a new thread and describe what you're having problems with.
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Thanks, figured it was worth a shot.

I'll try Leia again once it hits beta.
I have a recommendation as I am in the same boat. In my case, I turned SMB 1 back on and everything was working great. Then I installed the Spring Creators update and I think SMB1 is suffering from some kind of memory leak. The memory on the machine goes from 50 to 90% usage. So i'm turning SMB 1 off again.

I'm not feeling the pain in kodi like I once was on version 17.  While 17 doesn't support SMB 1 here is one way around it. Download Emby and install the server on your PC. Then install the Emby addon inside Kodi. Now you will have access to all of your Movies and TV shows.

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SMB2 support1