Win Kodi 17.1 freezes / crashes instantly on boot
Hey, i used to be a XBMC user back in the days and thought I'd give Kodi a try. Unfortunately Kodi freezes / crashes on boot. All I get is the spalsh screen. No menus.

I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling several different builds 17.1 / 17.0 / 16.1 and experience the same issue.

Running a fairly fresh install of Windows 10 Home 64-bit
CPU is Intel Core i7-4770K with 16GB RAM

Searched the forums and all-mighty G(oogle) for help with no luck. What am I missing?

I manually turned on debugging through advancedsettings.xml - here's the log from v17.1:
I started having all sorts of issues the day after this post. My firewall took a big crap and I went to uninstall it and it somehow got stuck in the registry and wouldn't uninstall, it fudged up my network settings and next thing I knew my VPN client fudged up and wouldn't connect anymore. At this point I sighed hard, looked at that usb stick with Windows 10 on it, looked back at my screen, looked back at the usb stick, picked it up, put it in.. shrugged and rebooted to format & fresh install windows.

Kodi works now ^__^
Obviously too late but... did you try the following fix?
I did try this fix by deleting the addons27.db file but it didn't work for me. My problem couldn't have been related to any files from a previous install of Kodi as there was none.

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Kodi 17.1 freezes / crashes instantly on boot1