Win Kodi 17, error message.
Okay, so I know this subject has been asked about a million times but I can't find my issue on the thread.

I had Kodi-Jarvis 16.1 on Windows 10 working perfectly. Decided to upgrade it to Krypton 17.1 a few days ago and when I had finished installing it, refuses to open. I tried an uninstall and start again. Didn't work, except this time it gave me a lovely little message "ERROR: Unable to create application. Exiting." with an OK button and then it closes that window too.

I tried to figure out how to do a debug log but from what I'm understanding I need to get into Kodi and obviously that isn't going to happen anytime soon.

Any information on how to fix this would be greatly appreciated.

Thankyou! Smile
Here's instructions on how you can turn on debugging without booting Kodi
This has turned up as a common issue, check and see if this might be the solve for you.

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Kodi 17, error message.1