Win How do I transfer add-ons to new system?

I have an older version of Kodi running on a Raspberry Pi (Raspxbmc) which is running just how I like it and I have now installed the latest version of Kodi on a Windows PC. I know I can install add-ons from scratch but I can no longer find some of the add-ons that I was running on the Pi. So, I wanted to copy the files from the Pi to the Windows PC. However, when I attempt to do this the add-ons are not recognised on the Windows Kodi.

It isn't clear to me whether this is because some information is missing from a database somewhere or whether it is because some files have changed format. Could someone please give me some guideance?

Also, is there any documentation and/or videos that tell me how to develop my own add-ons? I have tried searching via Google but I don't seem to be able to find the wood for the trees!! I'm not sure if I'm just useless at using Google but I can't seem to find the sort of idiots guide that I'm looking for.

Any help much appreciated.

Can anyone help me with this?
Hello LeoLevosky,

You haven't mentioned what "older version" of Kodi you were running, nor the name of the add-ons, so it will only be "best guess" advice. Most likely the add-ons you have which you are trying to transfer will not work as Kodi v17 implemented a number of major changes which required Add-ons to be updated to work with the new v17.

You will need to obtain the author information from the add-on information page, and search them that way. The add-ons may still exist but have moved to a different site.

A simple search in the wiki would have found the Add-on Development page...

Hope that helps.
Hi Karellen,

Thanks for your reply.

The reason I didn't say which version I'm using is because Raspxbmc does not seem to display it anywhere. I've looked in system info and everywhere else I can find. I'm assuming that Raspxbmc has not been updated for a long while since the Linux kernel is still version 3. So, I'm using whatever was the latest version of Raspxbmc. I'm driving the Raspxbmc with a logitech remote and have not managed to get the home or back buttons to work. It is fine for watching videos but not much good at controling the system and finding stuff, but I've looked in every place I can find.

Some of the add-ons on the Pi do not seem to exist anywhere now which is why I wanted to copy them across from the Pi and modify them. The main problem is that having copied them across they are not recognised at all. I expected that the format had changed and that I would get errors, but I think it is more basic than that. I assume there is a config file or database that they need to be registered in? I was also hoping that there might be a program that converts from the old format to the new. I tried to follow the change in directory structure with Kodi 17 but I'm trying to do it without really knowing what I'm doing and clearly I got it wrong.

I saw the wiki on development but I found if difficult to follow so I was hoping that someone could point me at a good video or something. For example, the following is a section from the wiki

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<category label="32001">
<setting label="32011" type="text" id="username" default=""/>
<setting label="32012" type="text" id="password" option="hidden" enable="!eq(-1,)" default=""/>
<setting label="32053" type="slider" id="limit" subsetting="true" default="20" range="5,5,100" option="int" />
<setting type="sep"/>
<setting id="debug" type="bool" label="32013" default="false"/>
<category label="32010">
<setting label="32032" type="action" action="RunScript(, downloadreport)"/>

I got the general idea of this but I have no idea what 32001, 32011 etc are? I think wiki's are great for people who just want specifics but without knowing what the significance of the numbers is, I'm lost.

I'm not saying the information isn't there and I'm happy to accept that it is me who is at fault for not being able to follow it. I find it easier to read a PDF than jump around in a wiki.

I've found a number of video's of youtube but there doesn't seem to be a way of asking youtube to show me videos that other people think are good. Again, that maybe because I don't know how to use youtube properly.

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How do I transfer add-ons to new system?0