v17 Endless Problems
I have spent hours searching the net and trying every possible solution I can find to get around these problems im having with no success.

I have a Q box with Kodi 17 loaded all my apps etc... as I want them.
All I want to do is make a backup of it all so I can transfer the whole setup to a new box I brought yesterday (another identical Qbox for a family member)

Problem 1) I cannot write to a usb stick regardless of which file explorer program I use.

I though, no worries I will do it on my computer which has all the same apps for the most part.
Google play is not installed on my computer Kodi for some reason, again followed all the steps I could find on how to install it from an .apk file.
Nothing works.

So I cant download a file transfer program to move the files to a usb stick.

Downloaded the 'Backup' app from the kodi repo. Made the file on pc. but it doesnt accept it on the android device, so another avenue exhausted.

SHould it really be this hard just to move a few files to the usb stick and then paste them to a folder on another device?
So you are doing it wrong, but let me set you right (and the easy way) to copy your Kodi from one device to many devices (I've done this countless times). From my own personal notes...

31. So you’ve done all this work above, and have everything looking awesome. So how do I copy (or clone) these settings to another device (doesn’t matter the operating system – Mac, Windows, Linux, Android)…?

1. Don’t use the backup plugin’s within Kodi’s add-on repository.
2. All you need to do is copy the .kodi/.spmc folder to your backup location. Then to restore, run the Kodi/SPMC installation on your new device. Then launch Kodi/SPMC once, close it then copy and replace the .kodi/.spmc folder with your backup.
Then when you launch Kodi/SPMC everything will be exactly as it was before you uninstalled it or the same on one Device as it is on the original.
3. You will need the program X-Plore in the Google Play store to do the copying. It has 2 working planes and menu in the center. Go to "Menu" and select, then select "Configuration". In the configuration menu make sure that you have "Show Hidden files" selected, it's the first item in the list.

Now in ether the right or left plane (doesn't matter which, select "Internal shared storage" (it may be called something else, but it will have /sdcard underneath the title).

Select it then go to /Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files (the full path is /sdcard//Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files), and you should now see the .kodi folder.

Now in the other plane, navigate to where you want to save it, just select the folder where it should be saved. Then go back to the .kodi folder, long press the Select button on your remote, then select "Copy".
Expect to wait a few hours while it copies over (but it is quicker than doing all the above settings again, and then importing you library).

4. Can’t find where the .kodi / .spmc folder locations are in Android…?

For SPMC’s folder, its .spmc (this is a hidden file and you have to turn on show hidden files in X-Plore), and it's always located in /Android/data/com.semperpax.spmc16/files/.spmc
Same goes for Kodi - /Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi
(2017-04-20, 12:41)wrx_sti_01 Wrote: Problem 1) I cannot write to a usb stick regardless of which file explorer program I use.

As of Android 5 (or 6, can't actually remember when it was implemented), you can't write to attached storage except to the app folder on that drive.

When you plug in a drive it will create a /Andriod/data/ folder, and after you run the app after connecting the drive, it will create the app folder, for Kodi it will be /org.xbmc.kodi/. You can only write to this folder for Kodi.

If you use the Backup add-on you have to point it to /storage/your_drive/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/

The same is for any file explorer, it will be /your_drive/Android/data/file_explorer/.
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