Win Kodi very slow when connected through VPN
Hi - my Kodi is very, very slow (17.3 release) when browsing and searching Add-on:YouTube - while connected to any VPN server.

Without VPN there is no issue.

I am running Kodi on Win7/64 with NordVPN as my provider.

I do not have any speed issues when connected to same VPN servers (UK/CH/DE/NL) without Kodi.

This leads me to believe this is something to do with Kodi. VPN connectivity actually was fine until recently.

Does anyone have seen similar issues? Any idea how to resolve this?

Thank you!
Why would you need to go through vpn? If u need geospoofing you can use a smart dns thing to fix that

Sent from my iPhone
Thank you for your reply. Was just wondering why Kodi would behave differently when connected through VPN.

Unless the server is slow (which it isn't) I can't see why this would bother Kodi in any way or form.
The client (your box) could be slow on vpn as well
It wont be kodi
Vpn is at a different level in the technology stack. For kodi its a network connection like any other

Sent from my iPhone
We don't support usage of Kodi through VPNs as there's few legitimate reasons to do so that are Kodi specific.

If you're paying for the service then ask the people you're paying for support, if not then you're probably getting what you paid for.

Thread moved to off topic.
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Kodi very slow when connected through VPN0