all of a sudden - audio out of sync and video jitters
This is making me crazy - any advice is appreciated.

I've been running KODI (XBMC) for quite some time now. I'm no expert because KODI has always just worked for me with minimal tweaking.

I'm running jarvis 16.1 / OpenElec 7.0.3 on ASUS Chromebox. I use a MySQL database on another PC to access an unRaid backend with my media. I have a few instances of KODI running on PCs around the house for my wife & kids.

Everything has been absolutely fine until one night about 2 or 3 weeks ago I went to watch one of my TV Shows on the ASUS box on my main TV and the audio is out of sync and the video is jumpy/jittery.

I have discovered I have to delay the audio by 1.5s to sync it up and the video looks like it was recorded on a bad VHS recorder.

So - I thought something wierd happened to my KODI settings but everything looked good. I restored from a backup I took in February when things were working properly and it didn't help.

I have another ASUS Chromebox that I was going to build KODI on for my son so I did. I did the build on another TV and everyting looked perfect. When I connect this box to my main TV the audio is out of sync and the video has the jitter issue.

From this I must conclude it is the TV itself. The TV on which I did the build is an older plasma. The TV with the problem is a fairly new (purchased in March) Insignia (Best Buy) LCD ROKU Smart TV. (probably smarter than me Wink)

As I said - it has worked perfectly since March but now something has happened to cause these issues. Perhaps an update was pushed down to the TV?

Does anyone have a clue? Maybe this is something very simple of which I am not aware - but the video is just about unwatchable.

I've tried changing the setting in the VIDEO playback section as well as as the accelerator options I tried "Adjust display refresh rate to match video" and "Sync playback to display" both together and separately.

For the audio I am just adjusting via the menu in the player.

But - what could possibly have changed and what can I do to get things back to where they were?

My satellite picture is perfect on this TV as well as the built in streaming apps (Amazon and etc).

Any comments / suggestions / advice is greatly appreciated.

Hello skulker,

Let's start off with a debug log and see what that reveals. Instructions in my signature below. Use the Basic method.

Remember to Enable debugging, then restart Kodi. Replicate the problem and post results to pastebin site.
My Signature
Links to : Official:Forum rules (wiki) | Official:Forum rules/Banned add-ons (wiki) | Debug Log (wiki)
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Thank you for the prompt reply.

My debug log is here

Please let me know if you need anything else.
I did a bit more investigating with no solution.

I tried a different HDMI port on the TV. I tried 1.4, 2.0 and AUTO HDMI selections.

I tried a different HDMI cable.

I also noticed my OTA TV audio is way out of sync with the video. I'm using HDHomeRun with NextPVR.

Any guesses from anyone?
I guess no one has a clue or any suggestion at all?

Since my last post I tried the HTPC on another similar smart TV. It also has the audio out of sync.

The NextPVR is far worse than the videos.

I tried OpenElec and LibreElec. I tried build the KODI while connected to the TV that has the problem. Nothing helps.

And still when I connect to the Plasma TV everything is perfect and beautiful.

KODI is unwatchable so I may have to move on to emby or plex.

Any help or suggestion will be appreciated.
As I suspected it is an issue with the Roku TVs. The firmware update sent in May did "something".

I have since purchased a new android smart TV and it works flawlessly with everything else the same (hardware, settings, etc.)

I hope this helps if anyone else has a Roku TV or is considering purchasing one.

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all of a sudden - audio out of sync and video jitters0