Kodi needs to go commercial
(2017-07-13, 16:03)h.udo Wrote: If you're willing to "... gladly pay up to several hundred $" please donate. We can always buy more beer, pizza, peanuts, etc.

Code is always welcome to fix "ancient issues in the coding [that] aren't being tackled."

Well that's the whole point isn't it?

Donations are something entirely different from actually buying a product. When you buy a product, you buy it because it solves problems or satisfies needs that you have. When you donate you are just giving away money to support a product which may or may not end up doing what you want, entirely different thing.

Why would I submit code? I am not a coder, have no inclination to be one, and even if i did, I'd want to be paid to do so. See it all comes down to personal preference and what you consider "fun". I don't consider coding to be "fun", and I value my time too much to spend it on things I don't enjoy unless I'm getting paid to do so. On the other hand, I'm perfectly willing to pay for someone else to code something that solves a problem for me, or buy an existing product that does so. This concept isn't entirely unheard of really...

(2017-07-13, 18:33)PatK Wrote:
Quote:Otherwise what's the point of Kodi?
Although streaming video is one aspect of Kodi it's not the prime reason the program exists. I didn't think there was "bazillion streaming services" in the official repository, perhaps I miscounted, or more likely your priorities are skewed.

They aren't "skewed", they are what they are. I don't know if commercializing Kodi would open up more options to change those priorities, but i have a hard time believing that i'm the only one who wouldn't welcome more streamlined integration with streaming services like netflix, and the Kodi library, even if i'm the only one on this thread apparently ;-)

(2017-07-13, 18:33)PatK Wrote: -19 posts and feel you have contributed to skin development?

I'm not sure how you arrived at that conclusion. I freely admit to having contributed very little, if anything to the Kodi community. In fact, I am pretty much saying "hey, i don't have time for this, someone else do it, here's money!".

You see, I could just pay someone to make a skin for me, that would be fine. Maybe i could even hire someone to implement the features I'd like to see in Kodi. I can see that working out just fine for me, but wouldn't it be better if someone could develop those features or add-ons or skins or whatever, and actually be paid for their work? The result is the same as far as the customer goes (me in this example), but if these add ons could be sold to the public, then maybe someone else, other than me, could benefit from that product, and maybe the developer of said product could be paid more for their time than if i were to simply pay them once to do it, and then never again.

Win-win right?

Also, to the posters saying that Kodi is more inclined towards local libraries... Sure, that's fine, and Paypal was more inclined towards PDA's before they signed on for ebay payments. Where did you know Paypal from? Right... ebay payments. I'm not saying Kodi lacks significance without streaming services, not saying that at all... what I am saying is that the world is moving towards "the cloud" and away from the local storage.

I realize all this is a moot point as Kodi is an open source platform so commercializing it, or parts of it is pretty much impossible. (i'm totally open to stand corrected here, in fact please do correct me on this!)

(2017-07-13, 19:14)mchp92 Wrote: Kodi should NOT become a commercial product. Not becoz i wouldnt wana pay a few bucks for it. But because kodi would then likely become the umpteenth case of a brilliant product (conceived by a bunch of tech guys who just wana make the best of breed), becoming screwed over 10 times coz a band of marketing aholes wanna use every feature to squeeze the living daylights out of the user base. That would kill it. Nobody wants kodi to answer to a shareholder. Kodi needs to answer to its users only

Right well, I'm sure there a point to your negativity, but atm i can't see it.

(2017-07-13, 22:46)Bluesmanuk Wrote: I have another idea/

If the OP would gladly pay up to several hundred $ for a fully working, headache free version of Kodi, how about using that money on a coding course so that you can fix the issues.

Then, when he has made it perfect, he can make lots of money from all the media outlets clamouring for interviews.

But whilst my tongue is in cheek, I am being a tad unfair to the OP.

We are all different people and sociopaths will always of course, choose the route of most fortune, so we should have empathy for the diversity of human characteristics.

I'm sorry, i just have better things to do than write code for Kodi, and don't really care for glamour either way.

Man I knew making this post wouldn't get me any love, but I'm a sociopath now? I didn't realize that unpaid labor had such a vexing effect on people Big Grin

Any way, I can see that my posts are vexing people, and so I'll just go away now. I'm sure i can find someone willing to write some code for me and help me get the media player I want. It's just a shame it will never help anyone with the same needs/wants in the future.

Messages In This Thread
Kodi needs to go commercial - by Mercury - 2017-07-13, 13:54
RE: Kodi needs to go commercial - by toineb - 2017-07-13, 14:33
RE: Kodi needs to go commercial - by Lunatixz - 2017-07-13, 14:44
RE: Kodi needs to go commercial - by h.udo - 2017-07-13, 16:03
RE: Kodi needs to go commercial - by Koying - 2017-07-13, 16:20
RE: Kodi needs to go commercial - by PatK - 2017-07-13, 18:33
Kodi needs to go commercial - by mchp92 - 2017-07-13, 19:14
RE: Kodi needs to go commercial - by Mercury - 2017-07-14, 00:06
RE: Kodi needs to go commercial - by scott967 - 2017-07-16, 01:29
RE: Kodi needs to go commercial - by Mercury - 2017-07-20, 18:56
RE: Kodi needs to go commercial - by Martijn - 2017-07-13, 19:18
RE: Kodi needs to go commercial - by DJ_Izumi - 2017-07-13, 22:13
RE: Kodi needs to go commercial - by nickr - 2017-07-13, 22:22
RE: Kodi needs to go commercial - by Karellen - 2017-07-14, 00:29
RE: Kodi needs to go commercial - by Mercury - 2017-07-14, 02:23
RE: Kodi needs to go commercial - by nickr - 2017-07-14, 00:37
Kodi needs to go commercial - by mchp92 - 2017-07-14, 00:44
RE: Kodi needs to go commercial - by nickr - 2017-07-14, 02:32
RE: Kodi needs to go commercial - by PatK - 2017-07-14, 02:34
RE: Kodi needs to go commercial - by Koying - 2017-07-14, 08:43
RE: Kodi needs to go commercial - by jjd-uk - 2017-07-14, 11:23
RE: Kodi needs to go commercial - by jjd-uk - 2017-07-15, 11:24
RE: Kodi needs to go commercial - by Koying - 2017-07-14, 19:20
RE: Kodi needs to go commercial - by stammie - 2017-07-14, 20:41
RE: Kodi needs to go commercial - by BFeely - 2017-07-15, 06:33
RE: Kodi needs to go commercial - by Koying - 2017-07-15, 11:46
Kodi needs to go commercial - by mchp92 - 2017-07-15, 14:18
RE: Kodi needs to go commercial - by jjd-uk - 2017-07-15, 14:19
RE: Kodi needs to go commercial - by Koying - 2017-07-15, 22:19
RE: Kodi needs to go commercial - by wsnipex - 2017-07-16, 08:38
RE: Kodi needs to go commercial - by dtviewer - 2017-07-17, 00:26
RE: Kodi needs to go commercial - by da-anda - 2017-07-17, 10:05
RE: Kodi needs to go commercial - by nickr - 2017-07-17, 10:32
Kodi needs to go commercial - by mchp92 - 2017-07-19, 22:28
RE: Kodi needs to go commercial - by nickr - 2017-07-20, 21:57
RE: Kodi needs to go commercial - by LongMan - 2017-07-21, 01:58
RE: Kodi needs to go commercial - by nickr - 2017-07-22, 07:16
Kodi needs to go commercial - by mchp92 - 2017-07-22, 08:51
RE: Kodi needs to go commercial - by nickr - 2017-07-22, 08:52
Kodi needs to go commercial - by mchp92 - 2017-07-22, 11:17
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