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HEIF Format Support?
Let me ask the other way around; why would i put it in core when it can be an add-onHuh
Hello, anyone else have all their HEIC photos from their iPhones all blue and yellow in Kodi? Definately colour inbalances still :|
(2018-10-25, 20:07)spiff Wrote: Let me ask the other way around; why would i put it in core when it can be an add-onHuh
 Hello, any idea why all the faces are blue when viewed within Kodi but perfectly alright when I view on my laptop?
Sounds like color space issues. Gimme a sample
Sorry for the delay, I've loads of samples, is there somewhere more private I can upload/send some photos to?
Upload to here...

PM the link to spiff.
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I have an issue with some pictures stored in heic-format from an iPhone Xs.
All pictures are copied in heic format to the computer (using File explorer app).
I am runing Kodi on a Windows 10 PC, latest version. Microsofts HEIF decoder is installed.

All images are displayed correctly if i am using the Windows 10 foto app.
But some of them are causing a crash of Kodi if i am viewing them in Kodi.

Also copytrans is not able to convert those pictures into jpeg format.
I have not really an idea what is the difference between the pictures that work and those that don't.
When opening them in Gimp i am asked if i want to convert the embedded color profile.

Can i upload a sample somewhere? Or anyone an idea?
get me a sample, i'll look into it when i find the time.
Cool, would be fine.

I uploaded 3 of them here to my account:
MS-Onedrive Heic problem

The link is valid till end of September 2019.
Those pics causing a crash of Kodi (18.3 on Windows 10) when viewing.
Let me know wether you also need some samples that are working.

Thank you.
@spiff ^^
IMG_3711.HEIC is actually an heif-image
the two others are .jpg files with a .heic extension. kodi relies on extensions, renaming them to .jpg makes them show.
(2019-08-20, 09:09)spiff Wrote: IMG_3711.HEIC is actually an heif-image
the two others are .jpg files with a .heic extension. kodi relies on extensions, renaming them to .jpg makes them show.

Ok thank you very much for checking. That is a bit strange what iphone xs is doing.
But maybe a wrong extension should not cause a crash of whole kodi, or?
I could not reproduce a crash. That is indeed unacceptable. Will dig deeper, can be a release build thing or the likes.
I've fixed the crash, caused by a wrong extension, in version 1.0.3 some time ago.
I'm using the HEIF image decoder on my Android TV to view photos from my phone, and the decoding takes very long time. From Android 9 it is mandatory to support HEIF decoding* in the device. I would guess that this is often hardware accelerated since the devices are capable of decoding HEVC video in hardware. Would it be possible to develop an Android specific image decoder addon that makes use of Android's native ImageDecoder to increase the performance?

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