Android Help S805 with test version(kodi-20141225-48eb0f6-HEVC-testing-armeabi-v7a.apk)
Subject : Help S805 with test version(kodi-20141225-48eb0f6-HEVC-testing-armeabi-v7a.apk) 

I have S805 box. 
I've been tried to find out to play hevc(10 bit) on my Android Box. 
But, I failed with LibreELEC, SMPC, etc. 

The last hope is old test version of kodi, "kodi-20141225-48eb0f6-HEVC-testing-armeabi-v7a.apk" 
I searched entire forum and found a post( and found that the file is gone... 

I would like to someone let me know where that file is. 
Thanks In Advance...  Smile
AML S805's are not capable of Hardware decoding 10bit HEVC at all and do not have enough CPU ponies to CPU Software decode 10bit HEVC either.
S805 are 8bit boxes only.

You need a AML S9xx platform for 10bit HEVC decoding.

Look at the picture chart in this post:

Choosing a AML S905 / S905X / S905W / S905D box guide

Thank you for your advice, wrxtasy...
I know the HW spec of AMLogic chip.
But as I wrote above, I only wanna test if HEVC file can be played.
So, If you have the test version(kodi-20141225-48eb0f6-HEVC-testing-armeabi-v7a.apk), Please let me try that one...
TIA. Smile

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Help S805 with test version(kodi-20141225-48eb0f6-HEVC-testing-armeabi-v7a.apk)0