v18 Kodi crashes
Kodi crashes on startup

Can someone help me out finding the cause

It crashes reading your m3u for iptv simple plugin
Quote:#8  0x00007fb7052d8714 in ___vsprintf_chk (s=0x7fb6c6dc9e90 "Read line: '#EXTINF:-1 tvg-ID=\"\" tvg-name=\"Maya Koningin Voor Een Dag\" tvg-logo=\""..., flags=1, slen=16384, format=0x7fb6ac3ee0ab "Read line: '%s'", args=0x7fb6c6dc9e70) at vsprintf_chk.c:82
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.
(2018-01-03, 00:43)fritsch Wrote: It crashes reading your m3u for iptv simple plugin
Quote:#8  0x00007fb7052d8714 in ___vsprintf_chk (s=0x7fb6c6dc9e90 "Read line: '#EXTINF:-1 tvg-ID=\"\" tvg-name=\"Maya Koningin Voor Een Dag\" tvg-logo=\""..., flags=1, slen=16384, format=0x7fb6ac3ee0ab "Read line: '%s'", args=0x7fb6c6dc9e70) at vsprintf_chk.c:82
because of the logo ?
Is it because of this specifc content or in general reading the m3u
issue removed by disabling the logoś 
but still wondering how can a (corrupt) logo crash kodi completely
the reason definitely has an exoskeleton.
(2018-01-03, 01:28)Boyett Wrote: issue removed by disabling the logoś 
but still wondering how can a (corrupt) logo crash kodi completely
 Addons run in same process as kodi does. So if the addon segfaults -> kodi goes with it ...

You need to file a defect with the iptv simple plugin. Provide the above backtrace and a legal m3u with the content that produces the crash in it.
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.
(2018-01-03, 01:28)Boyett Wrote: issue removed by disabling the logoś 
 Oh yeah ?
Got the same problem here, disabling the logos does not work for me (you just did disable them in the IPTV Simple PVR settings) ?

I use LibreElec with Kodi 17.6.

I filled a bug about this here : https://github.com/kodi-pvr/pvr.iptvsimple/issues/173

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