[MISSING] artist and tagging
Not antagonised, usual happy self, just very short on time.

Had a brief look at your music files. The thing you are hitting is that when Kodi finds a Muiscbrainz album (release) id tag it expects the full set of Muiscbrainz id tags that it uses to be present. You could consider this a flaw, it is certainly a vulnerability, but was implemented that way back when MB integration was first introduced (Gotham?), and I have not touched it.  If you tag using Picard, which is the most common way for music files to gain mbid tags, then they will all be there.

What mbid tags are the "full set" Kodi expects? Well those listed in https://kodi.wiki/view/Music_tagging#Tags_Kodi_reads that start MUSICBRAINZ_. So those files that do not have ALBUMARTIST and MUSICBAINZ_ALBUMARTISTID tags, but do have a MUSICBRAINZ_ALBUMID tag, get a "[missing]" as the album artist. Add those tags, a repeat of the ARTIST and MUSICBRAINZ_ARTISTID tags, and all will be well.

The processing path for files tagged with mbids is completely different from that without, it would be nice to reconcile them a little more and make it even more robust. But it is also risky to start fiddling with something that generally works well, and I have many other tasks to deal with.

Messages In This Thread
[MISSING] artist and tagging - by HeresJohnny - 2018-03-09, 02:24
RE: [MISSING] artist and tagging - by DaveBlake - 2018-03-09, 15:03
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