LibreELEC Kodi not accessable in Win 10
I have LibreElec Kodi Krypton running on a M8s Pro+ box connected to my TV via HDMI.
The box has internet access via WiFi for both Kodi And LibreELEC.
Now the problem - Kodi shows up in my Win 10 file manager showing all the movies and TV shows in it's library - but I can't do anything with them - can't add or remove movies or TV episodes.
Am I wrong in assuming I should have this ability, and if not how ?
If this post should be in the windows thread I apologize.
Sorry, I don't have a clue what you mean. You are mentioning LibreELEC and Windows 10. Could you please explain a bit more. Generally the Android subforum is completely the wrong one, because LibreELEC is Linux based and your problem might be related to windows. I leave it here until we have some more information what exactly your problem is.

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LibreELEC Kodi not accessable in Win 100