Impossible to add .zip files as video content
Hi, I recently came across with this post on how to use Retroarch as a video player 

So I thought that I could use the same strategy to run emulators within Kodi; yes I know there's the Internet Archive ROM Launcher plugin and yes I know that the upcoming v18 should have the Retroplayer in place, but I still wanted to give it try.

So I created a couple of folders and then created an empty `.zip` file named ``; with that in place, I followed the instructions from here to add a new source.

After I did that I would expect to Kodi at least show the filename, but it wasn't the case. I thought that Kodi might not allow adding `.zip` files as videos, so I went to Github and found that It should be supported.

So anyone knows why I'm not able to list the file?


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Impossible to add .zip files as video content - by eth0lo - 2018-04-16, 17:59
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