Now playing as .txt file
Hello everyone. I´ve been loking for this but i don´t find anything. Is there any way to have a .txt file updated with what´s being played on kodi? i want to use this information in realtime with other program. Thanks a lot in advance
no, but you can make a script by yourself with an json api call.
1. enable webui (settings -> services)
2. use
Code:{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "Player.GetItem", "params": { "properties": ["title", "album", "artist", "season", "episode", "duration", "showtitle", "tvshowid", "thumbnail", "file", "fanart", "streamdetails"], "playerid": 1 }, "id": "VideoGetItem"}

the port depends on your used webport. if you want to get the information from another pc you need to use the local ip of your kodi.

You'll get this informations with this api call:

Please refer to this wiki page:
Hello Skybird, thanks for your answer.

Unfortunately i´m not a programmer and i don´t know how to achieve that. I just want to have a now playing with the title of the movie i´m playing, so the duration etc it´s not neccesary for me.

Could you please guide me on how to achieve that? that would be very helpful.

Thanks a lot in advance
Think you need to articulate the issue a bit more. Most skins will give you information about the current title palying etc when you hit the 'I' key on the keybaord if you've properly scraped the title. If you want to edit the skin for less information, that would be in the skin area of this forum.
Hello PatK.
What i want is to have a text file outside kodi with the title of the movie playing, in order to have that read in another program.
I only need the title of the movie playing, nothing more.

Thanks in advance
The work round might be to set up a batch file that first outputs the 'title' calls up Kodi.exe 'filename', which plays the title and exits (just like any video player might do). Perhaps I'm just not getting the message of what you want to accomplish, what are you doing with the 'title' text? There are a lot of 3rd partylist managers.
I want to create a .txt file with the name of the title playing in order to read that file with open broadcaster and have that info rendered there.
Obs can read any .txt files that are updated outside so i just need to have that .txt file that must be updated everytime the video changes.

Thanks again for your help
From what I gather " Open Broadcaster Software is free and open source software for video recording and live streaming. " and you want Kodi to stream to this program (not the reverse, which might be possible). In that I can't help you, although with Kodi anything is possible given time, effort and enthsuiasm.
PatK just to see the running title of Kodi is not broadcasting the kodi video Big Grin
You can insert in the video stream external text files, browser windows.

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Now playing as .txt file0