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Internet Archive Game Launcher
full log here
(2018-07-16, 22:32)skarragallagher Wrote: See this for IAGL error:
 Thanks, fixed a bug.
Thanks for looking at this. Is the update in the repo? I can update and give it a try if you like
So I setup both in parallel (IAGL and IARL) and I am still getting multiple launches of the game, no matter what input method I use.

I use Kodi 18, with the Estuary Mod2 skin. I have a main menu item that uses a widget that points to the addon favorites. When I select a game, the game launches fine. When I am ready to exit the game, on my controller I have button mapped to the "esc" key to exit retroarch. When I do so Kodi reappears on the home screen. a few seconds later the same game launches with out pressing any button. This happens 2 or 3 times. If you can help me figure this out, you will be my
(2018-07-17, 01:19)skarragallagher Wrote: So I setup both in parallel (IAGL and IARL) and I am still getting multiple launches of the game, no matter what input method I use.

I use Kodi 18, with the Estuary Mod2 skin. I have a main menu item that uses a widget that points to the addon favorites. When I select a game, the game launches fine. When I am ready to exit the game, on my controller I have button mapped to the "esc" key to exit retroarch. When I do so Kodi reappears on the home screen. a few seconds later the same game launches with out pressing any button. This happens 2 or 3 times. If you can help me figure this out, you will be my
 Do you have the same issue with other skins, like the default Estuary?  I can't reproduce this issue, I'd need a log.  I'm guessing the skin is doing something though.
First off, thank you for trying to help, I really appreciate it.

Let me see if I can generate a log. Last time I looked in the log, when this happened I didn't see anything that stuck out. Let me do a fresh load of Kodi, and generate the error.

For reference here is the skin I am using

I will post back shortly
Here is the full log:

I exited Kodi, releanched kodi, generated behavior in IAGL (Mario kart), generated behavior in IARL (Spyro), and exited I can produce a video for you if that helps too
First off, thank you!
I'm trying to get PSX games to run on my Fire TV 4k. I've got all my directories set, Retroarch set, BIOS in the right folder, but when i launch a game, nothing happens. How do I bring up the rightclick context menu with a gamepad or my firestick controller?
I should add, SNES works perfect, but not N64 (Mupen64+) or PSX (PSX Beetle HW)
@zachmorris sorry for the noise, wish i could just edit my own posts
Thanks for the addon seems great from what I’ve had a go at so far.

Is there a way to have pictures of the games show up in the background of the skin?

I’m using Aeon Nox Silvio at the moment and couldn’t find games as background option or even where to paint it to

If I start a game with IAGL, I get ~7-8 FPS. The same game runs with ~46-48 FPS if it is started with a ROM on a local SD-card. (Genesis Plus GX)

This is reproducable with other EMUs, too
Philips TV with Kodi 20.2 with IPTV --- Orbsmart 500 Android 21 alpha/beta as Online-radio/TV in the kitchen
@Solo0815 Slow SD card?
No, this has nothing to do with a slow SD-card, because the ROM is downloaded before the emulator starts and this affects all cores. Even after stopping the emulation Kodi (or FPS) is slower and microstuttering.
Philips TV with Kodi 20.2 with IPTV --- Orbsmart 500 Android 21 alpha/beta as Online-radio/TV in the kitchen
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