Sony 9000F green bar

Kodi Version 17.6 . How to change the green bar to be black ? Please help me . Thanks!
Hello @[email protected]

We cannot see your image.

If the image is on your computer, then use button 19. If the image has already been uploaded to a public image hosting site, then use button 14

A Debug Log will help also. Don't need anything special in the log, just so we can see your version, hardware, graphics and audio setup.
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Links to : Official:Forum rules (wiki) | Official:Forum rules/Banned add-ons (wiki) | Debug Log (wiki)
Links to : HOW-TO:Create Music Library (wiki) | HOW-TO:Create_Video_Library (wiki)  ||  Artwork (wiki) | Basic controls (wiki) | Import-export library (wiki) | Movie sets (wiki) | Movie universe (wiki) | NFO files (wiki) | Quick start guide (wiki)
Thanks for your guide.
Kodi 17.6 is pretty stable, video-wise. I'd say this is likely a case of a badly muxed video file.
If all your videos have this peculiar green base, please provide a debug log (wiki) file as already requested.

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