Solved Simple install question
Good afternoon Kodi Forum. Used have a Linux build. Now looking to install on Win7 64 bit. Should I go ahead and install the 32 bit Kodi install for Windows 7? I've seen they came out with a 64 bit install, but not finding much on the stability of it online. Can I just do the latest stable Kodi version for Win7 32 bit as 4gb ram is all it's going to take anyway?
Pros or cons? A buddy of mine loaded up a 32bit linux install version on his 64 bit linux machine. Says he is getting what he wants out of it. I want to make the best decision on this new clean Win7 . Thank in advance for taking the time.
(2018-07-15, 01:35)210soul Wrote: I've seen they came out with a 64 bit install, but not finding much on the stability of it online.
That is because Kodi 18 Leia is still in the Alpha (=beginning) stages. Bugs can happen, things can break. If you are not comfortable with that, stick to the last stable version of Kodi 17 Krypton. Kodi 17 is only available in 32bit, and runs as advertised.

I've run 64bit Kodi 17.x on a 2 GB machine (although that was under Linux). Kodi 17 should still be okay under Windows 7 with 4 GB.

if you want to run ONLY Kodi on your machine (and don't want/need all the Windows fuzz), there are perhaps smaller and niftier options like LibreELEC, a minimal Kodi + Linux installation.
Awesome. Thanks for the info. You just confirmed what my gut was telling me. I'm going for latest 32 bit Krypton version. I figured it would be fine.
Thread marked solved.

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