v16 Hide USB Drive
Hello guys,

when I plug in my 4TB external drive into my OdroidXU4 where kodi v16 is running, kodi is listing its complete directory structure under Videos->Files. That's not what i want it to be. I would like to hide the plugged-in usb drive and add just a subdirectory from my external drive, without having the root folder of my external drive under "Videos->Files". Is it possible? I know you could just name the folders with a DOT before (like .Movies) to hide them.
Thats my current structure:

storage is the label name of my external hard drive, which I've plugged-in.

And this is, what i want it to be:

So I want to hide my external hard drive completly from kodi and just add the sub directory to it. Is this possible? I don't think, that naming my hard drive ".storage", would work. Actually I didn't test it yet x)

Kodi version: v16
OS: debian jessie
Device: OdroidXU4

I've accomplished something similar by using udev to mount the drive to a particular system folder not accessible from kodi

.......depending on the permissions on your system you can restrict access by Kodi.

Then I would set the drive up in samba referencing the exact folder to be 'shared' add the samba source as the video source in Kodi and you should have what you want.

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