Android Kodi Boxes Are Legal ? Names listed bellow;

I need some info. These are some Android Boxes, Pre-installed Kodi. Selling on ebay. Are these boxes legal and are ok to be ordered?

MXQ Pro 4K S905W
T95Z Smart Android TV Box

If legal, is their hardware ok to cover next latest releases of Kodi without having issues. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks

Sources: link removed
(2018-09-26, 20:17)mikkyjoy Wrote: These are some Android Boxes, Pre-installed Kodi. Selling on ebay. Are these boxes legal and are ok to be ordered?
Preinstalled with a vanilla installation of Kodi is one thing, preinstalled with what is considered all sorts of banned video streaming add-ons is something different. Also, Kodi is not a seller of hardware / boxes.

That screenshot of Kodi IPTV Boxes is already showing a banned add-on.

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Kodi Boxes Are Legal ? Names listed bellow;0