Beta Metropolis 3.5.0 beta for Kodi 18 (Leia)
Hi metropolis theme lovers!

I have a question, maybe an easy one or hard depends on @MacGyver  mood  Rofl


Is it possible to remove the "all seasons" cover/display cause as you can see it is a bit ugly on the menu and unnecessary for me. Keep in mind that i can edit .xml files if needed. Or maybe to add a poster so it is not that ugly. FYI, I do not have any such folder inside or something like that, it exist on all the video libraries of TV Shows.

Thank you all!

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NOT an early adopter - by benbloom - 2019-11-07, 21:48
RE: Metropolis 3.5.0 beta for Kodi 18 (Leia) - by great_vc - 2021-02-05, 11:56
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Metropolis 3.5.0 beta for Kodi 18 (Leia)0