(Req) AT&T watch TV app addon
I was wondering if it would be possible to make an add on for AT&T's watch TV app. It's similar to thwir Direct TV now thing I'm sure as it has live TV as well. On PC it's only available via the browser. No app exists for Windows unfortunately.

Sorry if this is breaking the rules asking. I don't have live TV and I get watch TV for free through my plan so this would be useful for me and probably for others too!

Asrock Rog Z390-H | Intel i9 9900K | Windows 10 Pro x64 | Pop!_OS 20.10 |Nvidia Shield TV Pro (2019)
EVGA Hybrid FTW GTX 1070 | Corsair 16GB DDR4
Samsung 500GB SSD | 500GB Nvme SSD |500GB WD Black Nvme SSD |6TB HDD
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I have written an add-on for this which currently isn't working. The service is a works in progress and actually is very buggy and fragile. User complaints are rampant for the service. I'll come back to it if and when it stabilizes. It's kind of a waste of time until it does.

Maybe another dev has more patience for this than I do.
Thank you for the reply!

Yeah, hopefully someone can pick it up. Especially since they offer it free to for certain plans. Wouldn't be so bad if they had an app in the Windows store but sadly it's only browser based for PC users :/
Asrock Rog Z390-H | Intel i9 9900K | Windows 10 Pro x64 | Pop!_OS 20.10 |Nvidia Shield TV Pro (2019)
EVGA Hybrid FTW GTX 1070 | Corsair 16GB DDR4
Samsung 500GB SSD | 500GB Nvme SSD |500GB WD Black Nvme SSD |6TB HDD

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(Req) AT&T watch TV app addon0