Fire TV Stick 4K - DTS by mistake or really wanted by AMZ?
Hi there,

the new FireTV Stick 4K gives me DTS passthrough, does anyone know if this is a permanent adding in the ftvs firmware or if it was done by mistake by the amazon devs?

Their firmware is new enough to support IEC format. Means - they don't know what user transfers there ... I think it's permanent. What I wonder though is, that they did not add DTS-HD / etc. support and 8 channel IEC is still not a documented solution as the Android guys have plain forgotten it since a long time :-)
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.
On a related subject (I think) .. When Kodi decodes e.g. DTS-HD MA, does it use all the HD information or just the core DTS?
Try setting audio channels in Kodi Keia to 5.1 or 7.1
Then disable any Leia HD audio passthrough options. Leave regular DTS enabled.

HD Audio should then decode to 5.1 or 7.1 48kHz LPCM for no loss in audio quality, same as the Apple TV 4K.

Thank you wrxtasy, the settings info is useful but doesn't really answer my question.

As fritsch says above "they did not add DTS-HD / etc. support" [for passthrough]. So with passthrough enabled in Kodi, only the core DTS audio is passed through the Fire TV 4k to my AVR.

My real question is: with a DTS-HD MA recorded file, and not using passthrough, does Kodi decode the the HD part of the DTS track to PCM or just the core?
(2018-11-24, 21:07)martico Wrote: My real question is: with a DTS-HD MA recorded file, and not using passthrough, does Kodi decode the the HD part of the DTS track to PCM or just the core?
Kodi decodes the full DTS-HD MA to 5.1/7.1 PCM - not just the DTS core.
Thanks noggin - appreciate that.

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Fire TV Stick 4K - DTS by mistake or really wanted by AMZ?0