v18 Leia Play/pause toggle example?
Ok, I'll trying work with that. Rusty at this, as it worked great for 5-6 years when I did it at the time.
However, iRule wants you to put the IP adress, port, POST/GET/PUT and credentials in a separate gateway setting.
Could you kindly wrap up by checking this syntax and tell me how to, if possible leave out the IP adress and finish that string without it?
Then I'll regardless leave you alone and work on my own for a bit. Promise to report back if I get it working though!
Sorry about the non-quoting. can not find the tools for that either. Yup rusty at this.. Many thanks again.

curl -s --data-binary '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"Player.PlayPause","params":{"playerid":1},"id":1},"id":1}' -H 'content-type: application/json;' http://xxx.xxx.xxx.x:8080/jsonrpc

Messages In This Thread
Leia Play/pause toggle example? - by houser - 2018-12-18, 20:33
RE: Leia Play/pause toggle example? - by houser - 2018-12-28, 02:28
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