Solved Non existing movies appears in Kodi library
after actualisation of Kodi library, a lot of new non existing movies appears in library.

While actualisation process I can see, that Kodi search for files with bin extension. For example 1.bin, which appears in library like movie 1.

If I inspect path to non existing movie, I see path in this format:
zip://zip%3a ...


In my storege I cant find any *.zip file or *.bin file. Library cleaning didint remove non existing movies. Is possible remove movie by hand, but its not real for all of the movies.

My configuration:
Android box 6.0
Kodi 17.6

All context is stored on NAS, which is accessible over LAN with Samba protocol.

I am searching for possibility, how to remove these non existing movies.
Just maybe, the selection of the correct folder for your movies, and/or the file naming of your movie files went wrong in the first place...

Enable debugging, exit and restart Kodi, rescan your movie collection, and provide the kodi.log file via a pastebin website.
Thanks to advice, I enabled logging and from log I found, that there is zip file with Mame roms. So Kodi try to parse each rom name into movie.

The whole log file has over 10MB, so only one example about parsing ad-00.bin into Spy Hard movie Smile.

Scraping Mame roms to movie.

After move zip file to non parsing path, actualise and clean up library, all non existing movies are gone.

Thanks for help.
Thread marked solved.
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Non existing movies appears in Kodi library0