Solved TMM v - Error with TMDB image scraper for fanart?
(2018-12-26, 20:54)mlaggner Wrote: well you have artwork size LARGE (see - atm we do not handle larger artwork - so 1920x1080 is found and preferred over the 4k fanart size
 I did notice this, but it's the highest option, can I please make a feature request to have an option for the higher resolution?

The log said failed in a few spots in relation to the scraping, are you saying it is working all OK?

Is there anything from using the Doner version that could help with this issue, like if I select the Kodi TMDB as the scraper?

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RE: TMM v - Error with TMDB image scraper for fanart? - by maniyac - 2018-12-27, 14:48
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