PR15821 (create empty artist info folders)
I found this a little confusing in operation.  In the past export to separate files required the designation of the  "destination folder" on this same settings dialog.  Now the new options of  "artist folders only" and I guess changed behavior of "to library folders"  send the export to the "artist info folder" which is set elsewhere, and not to the "destination folder" that used to be set here.  It seems like it should be possible to use the "destination folder" for these options as well, also needs to be made clear to user (maybe in wiki if not in the settings help textbox) that the "artist information folder" must be set elsewhere.  I do see that if the artist info folder is not set it will popup a yesnodialog to take the user to the appropriate media music setting.

Also now I see we have a button on the dialog window where the onclick is a noop.  I assume that doesn't cause any problem.

scott s.

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PR15821 (create empty artist info folders) - by scott967 - 2019-03-28, 00:35
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