Mod Esturary with bigger fonts(kodi leia)
I recently updated to leia and I started to use the default Esturary skin. I didn't stick with it before(or most of the skins) because fonts aren't big enough for my case. So, I tried to change the font sizes not generally from fonts.xml, but in several dialogs,views etc. which I use and had difficulties to read the content from long distance. It's not perfect or complete, but it cover my needs.
I did it for personal use, but while I searched here I found that many want larger fonts, so I decided to uploaded it in case someone finds it useful.

EDIT: the unwatched/watched icons are fixed in above zip link to don't overlap the title.


Can you add a screenshot of your skin/font version for comparison?
Use the i-button in the forum's text editor menu bar.
Hi there, love with the new big fonts. One issue, when you play a movie or tvshow it displays  the start and finish time all the time, not when you stop or info button
No problem, have removed the code from fullscreen.xml
Yes, I like to have it there. I wasn't intent to publish it as I mentioned, so I forgot to remove it Smile
Just remove this block of code in fullscreen.xml:
<control type="label" id="1">
            <label>$INFO[System.Time] Τελειώνει στις: $INFO[Player.FinishTime]</label>

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Esturary with bigger fonts(kodi leia)0