Posts: 5
Joined: Apr 2023
I am sorry I pasted part of the log directly into the forum. As I can't see an edit option, I am not able to delete that text. I wasn't sure whether the log link will work, so wanted at least that part to be directly here.
Other than that, I tried the emulation in Windows today (WinUAE). That took me only a while to make it working, using either my *.rom files or the build in AROS rom. Both works flawlessly so I assume the amiga puae core just doesn't work in OSMC.
Thanks anyway.
Posts: 2
Joined: May 2023
I'm trying to setup Kodi to run amiga games using PUAE. Initially it didn't find the kickstart, but I figured out where to put it and it seems working now. The next question is how to load a game? Where do I put ADF files and how can I load them? I read somewhere that you can put ADF anywhere you like so I put it in the same directory as the kickstart. But how can I open the ADF? I tried finding the answer online, but couldn't find anything. In the UI I could find how to configure all kinds of things for PUAE, like model etc, but not how to insert an disk in the drive. Anybody can help me here?
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Joined: May 2023
Thanks. I will try to see if I get things to work using that other post.
Posts: 27
Joined: Jun 2013
Hoping someone may be able to help me? I've installed this repo as well as IAGL. Most systems I've tried work, except for PS2 emulation. Initially I could download the rom but none of the emulators were available. After installing this repo I was able to download and then choose the Sony Playstation 2 (LRPS2) emulator. When I attempt to launch, I get the following error:
game add-ons: Sony Playstation 2 (LRPS2)
add-on couldn't be loaded
an unknown error has occurred
I have copied the PS2 BIOS files to the directory I configured in Retro BIOS Tool.
I am running LibreElec (there was no PS2 emulator in their repo, hence downloading this repo to get it. Perhaps it's just not compatible with LibreElec?)
Any suggestions on how I can get it to work?
Posts: 146
Joined: Apr 2014
All emulators requiring OpenGL support are currently broken. This change was hoping to be made for Kodi 21 i think but it looks like it'll slip.
OpenGL emulators are the GameCube PS2 N64 Dreamcast ones at a glance.
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Team-Kodi Developer
Posts: 3,033
From what I've gathered (not having an LG TV) there's no support for installing binary add-ons from external sources - they have to be compiled into the ipk. I believe the standalone cores 2048 and mr.boom are included in the ipk. Does running either of those games work?
I'll ping the webos guys about the storage issue.
I can try helping with the PS controller. Can you post a debug log? I've added a lot of logging for input/controller issues, that may give us some clues.
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Joined: Apr 2024
I’ve been messing around with the Libreelec Kodi 21 betas on a pi4 and pi5 and I found that the current buildbot repos don’t work with them. I then learned that LE 12 switches from armrf to arch64. Any chance of getting a Linux arch64 version of the buildbot? Thanks in advance.