2019-08-04, 21:45
I'm using tmm 3.0.2 on some tv shows and it downloads images...but they are all invalid and corrupt. The images it downloads vary in size but none of them open as valid images. If I run the linux "file" command on the downloaded images it shows up as "data"
Quote:file /folder/Who Is America!/banner.jpgWhereas a normal image file looks like:
/folder/Who Is America!/banner.jpg: data
Quote:file /folder/Bam\'s\ World\ Domination/poster.jpg
/folder/Bam's World Domination/poster.jpg: JPEG image data, JFIF standard 1.01, resolution (DPI), density 96x96, segment length 16, Exif Standard: [TIFF image data, big-endian, direntries=1, orientation=upper-left], baseline, precision 8, 680x1000, frames 3