Sound and video lost after short runtime
I am running kodi 18.2 on windows 10 with an intel i5 plus integrated video. the machine is connected via hdmi to an onkyo receiver. the receiver connects to tv. 

After playing music for roughly one hour the sound suddenly stops and can't be reactivated again. Only rebooting the machine helps. settings are configured to use wasapi (allowing pass through).

Also video signal vanishes after a runtime between 1/2 - 1 hour. Screensaver is set to none. Playing a movie won't display anything. Last time when I resized the window I had a display again if I remember correctly. When exiting kodi the windows gui is displayed fine so it has to be related to kodi itself.

Formerly I used a different hardware setup and optical out which ran smoothly. Now I don't have an optical out anymore.

Could you point me in the right direction how to troubleshoot this?

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Sound and video lost after short runtime0