New label in VideoFullScreen.xml not displaying

Am using Kodi Leia on Mac OS X, I have a mysql database on another machine and all videos on a network drive. all working perfectly.
I am using the Transparency skin. I have altered VideoFullScreen.xml in the 1080 directory of said skin to display some information as I did successfully in the past on a variety of Linux and Raspberry machines.
I have checked Kodi log to make sure of the location of the skin being used.
despite the label being well and truly defined, nothing shows on kodi.... whether full screen or not.
on another note full screen works well on the Mac's monitor but will not work on the HDMI attached second monitor. however maximising the window will occupy the whole screen (without title bar) on the secondary monitor which is an acceptable substitute to actual full screen as the visual is the same.

main frustration remains the absence of the label control at the top of the screen.

Any help / explanation more than welcome


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New label in VideoFullScreen.xml not displaying0