2020-02-08, 10:10
@bds3151 - As your log contains banned addons (wiki) in violation of the forum rules (wiki) which you accepted and agreed to abide by when you signed up here, no support is available whilst they are installed. Please see our piracy policy (wiki) for details.
The forum moderators have determined that banned addons (wiki) are present on your system. To receive assistance here, these banned items must be removed. If a clean log is not submitted within 3 days, then the relevant post(s) will be removed after this time.
@d21spike - just FYI in terms of offering support.
The forum moderators have determined that banned addons (wiki) are present on your system. To receive assistance here, these banned items must be removed. If a clean log is not submitted within 3 days, then the relevant post(s) will be removed after this time.
@d21spike - just FYI in terms of offering support.