2020-12-05, 20:25
(2020-12-04, 13:04)sbmag Wrote: Since around midnight (Dec. 4, 2020 0:00) every channel I select starts playing at the beginning position of the current show instead of the live feed. That's a neat feature that I could never get working in the past, but I really wanted to watch the news live!Same issue here, it plays but only from the beginning not taking into account the current 'live' position. I've compared ZAP captures and can't see any additional/new headers that would be required. When starting the stream the segment looks like it's being computed incorrectly and starting at the beginning. Input stream hasn't had a recent commit for 2.4.5 so it's unlikely this is the problem.
I have two twin devices running Kodi Leia (LibreELEC 9.0.02) that developed the same behavior overnight.
Has anyone else encountered this? Perhaps an API change at Sling?