IPTV Simple now supports Catchup and Timeshifted Catchup in Kodi Matrix
So {epgstart} would just be shorthand for 


With {epgend} being similar but using the end time instead. Other than that there would be no difference. Please note that the add-on only stores utc internally (seconds since 1970/1/1). Let me think about which would be better, {Ye}, {me} etc. might be better as it allows more custom combinations.

Regarding the realtime URL you can't have end time simply because it won't exist if for instance you play a channel or switch from the guide. It only exists when you play programme from the guide. Bear in mind this is not a small change at all and there is considerable work involved. A lot of the codebase currently depends on the stream URL being immutable. A change like this would potentially break a lot of things, I'm not sure it's something that should be introduced at beta1 stage if at all.
Maintainer of Enigma2 PVR addon: repo, docschangelog
How to create a full debug: here

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RE: IPTV Simple now supports Catchup and Timeshifted Catchup in Kodi Matrix - by phunkyfish - 2020-12-03, 16:57
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IPTV Simple now supports Catchup and Timeshifted Catchup in Kodi Matrix1