WIP Ember Media Manager 1.9.x - Download & Discussion Thread
Hi Dan, I upgraded to the new version and found an issue that causes ember to crash with "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error.
I made some tests with the settings and discovered that if scraping Collection ID in the TMDB scraper is enabled and the movie is not part of a collection, it will crash. If it is part of a collection, it will scrape fine.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Ember Media Manager - Discussion Thread - by zonly1 - 2020-02-20, 03:16
Miscellaneous > Media List Editor - by pstrg - 2020-06-09, 02:38
MovieSets - by pstrg - 2020-06-11, 22:01
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Ember Media Manager 1.9.x - Download & Discussion Thread2
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