WIP Ember Media Manager 1.9.x - Download & Discussion Thread
(2020-02-23, 00:59)DanCooper Wrote:
(2020-02-23, 00:10)shwetkprabhat Wrote:
(2020-02-22, 23:58)DanCooper Wrote: Looks good now.
You can enable debug logging in the GUI. I don't know how to enable it if you don't have access to the GUI.    
I have enabled it via the web interface, trying to find out where the docker is storing the logs. Image 

I think it's Linux, so it should be ~/.kodi/userdata/ : Wiki 
Finally I was able to figure how to enable and get the logs, I cleaned up both emm and kodi old logs and captured fresh logs:
1. Kodi Docker Logs
2. EMM Logs

Please note that the EMM log times are in EST (US eastern) and Kodi logs are in GMT.

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RE: Ember Media Manager 1.4.91.x - Discussion Thread - by geek-baba - 2020-02-23, 18:34
Miscellaneous > Media List Editor - by pstrg - 2020-06-09, 02:38
MovieSets - by pstrg - 2020-06-11, 22:01
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