WIP Ember Media Manager 1.9.x - Download & Discussion Thread
(2020-02-28, 20:45)pfp-az Wrote: In looking through my media files I've noticed that I occasionally make typos when naming them.  I'd very much like to fix these typos but know that doing so will break the links already saved in EMM.  Is it possible to edit the file path for the (Movie, NFO, Poster and Fanart) within the UI?

Ember has a build-in renamer. You can enable it under "Settings => Modules => Renamer". If it's enabled you can use "Tools => Bulk Renamer" to show which movie has to be renamed or you can use "Contextmenu => Renamer => Manually" to set a new folder and video file name.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Ember Media Manager 1.4.91.x - Discussion Thread - by DanCooper - 2020-02-29, 00:13
Miscellaneous > Media List Editor - by pstrg - 2020-06-09, 02:38
MovieSets - by pstrg - 2020-06-11, 22:01
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Ember Media Manager 1.9.x - Download & Discussion Thread2
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