WIP Ember Media Manager 1.9.x - Download & Discussion Thread
(2020-04-04, 14:32)DanCooper Wrote:
(2020-04-04, 13:25)jtm010101 Wrote: Hello I have split movies Ember Media Manager 1.5.0 x64 - Build from 2020-02-29 stacks them well for me, but kodi 18 shows me each part as an independent movie and it doesn't group them together they can help me THANKS….El increíble Hulk (2008) (4k).Part1.strmEl increíble Hulk (2008) (4k).Part2.strmEl increíble Hulk (2008) (4k).Part3.strm
That should work out-of-the-box without any changes in AdvancedSettings.xml. If you take a look to this regex test it worked:


I had to enable "ignore case" in the tester, but that should be enabled for any multipart regex in Kodi. You can try to rename your files from "Part" to "part" and try it again, but i think there is another problem.  

GRACIAS       los he renombrado y sigue el probrema en la biblioteca no los agrupa y los muestra como peliculas iferentes.

alguna idea




THANK YOU I have renamed them and follows the problem in the library, it does not group them and shows them as different movies.

any ideas



  <moviestacking action="prepend">
    <regexp>(.*?)( \(Part [0-9]\))(.*?)(\.[^.]+)$</regexp>

El increíble Hulk (2008) (4k).part1.strm
El increíble Hulk (2008) (4k).part2.strm
El increíble Hulk (2008) (4k).part3.strm

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RE: Ember Media Manager 1.5.x - Discussion Thread - by jtm010101 - 2020-04-04, 14:59
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Ember Media Manager 1.9.x - Download & Discussion Thread2